The Legacy Prayers template was created for those that desire to be more intentional about their prayer life, and would enjoy documenting prayers for children, family, and self.
If you desire to:
- pray specific prayers for your children on a regular basis
- remember the prayers you pray
- focus on specific things for one child at a time
- be able to look back and see how prayers were answered
- show your children some day how you were praying for them
- always seem to run short on time and pray on the fly or right before bed or only when things are of urgency
- not sure where to start
- feel like a prayer failure
- feel guilty because you think you aren't praying for them enough or in a specific way... then, Legacy Prayers may definitely work for you!
A message from the template creator:
I have failed at keeping prayer journals, and really desire to be more intentional with praying for my children, especially since they are young adults now in a messy world. I LOVE this printable because it lets me keep all of my focus areas of life in one place I call my "Legacy Life Binder".
I pray this helps you too!!